◎尊貴的馬先生 st1\00003a*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}◎尊貴的 馬 先生 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw 會場佈置/2009/new/oct/9/today-f1.htm 馬英九可能是馬首龍身,至尊至貴, 設計裝潢非平凡的芸芸眾生可以比擬,因此一般規則與約定放在他身上,統統不適用。 政府叫窮 個人信貸,幾乎舉債度日,明年中央政府總預算歲出預算負成長三.九%,但馬英九的國務機要費卻由今年的三千萬元,增編為明年的?酒店打工|千萬。非僅如此,馬首龍身恐怕健檢難度高,因而總統健檢經費由今年一萬四千元,增加至五十萬元。 阿扁國務機要費案每張發票如何使用 禮服都被查得一清二楚,還被判處無期徒刑;而馬英九的國務機要費用,多到能夠請人聽演唱會,幫黨內大老慶生,卻嫌不足,竟要增編一千萬元,看來明年馬英九還可以 室內設計多擺一些慶生宴,讓藍營大頭們用納稅人的血汗錢,飲酒作樂,盡情歡聚。 總統健檢費編五十萬元,真是離譜荒誕。一般行情,總統級的健檢也只要四、五萬元,普通的一萬多就夠了,編列五?酒店打工Q萬元健檢費,難道總統要每個月檢查一次?如果總統罹病,除健保支付,其他費用應該自付,與一般百姓無異,並無特權,因此編列健檢五十萬元,難道是預留醫療費用? 所有事情碰到尊貴的馬英九都會轉彎,首長特別 澎湖民宿費案,不管先前支用情況如何,他事後捐贈的所謂大水庫理論,被善意的法官接受。而阿扁的國務機要費案,一切辯解與事證,都被從最壞的角度認定,似乎非置其於死地不可。 一個無罪,一個無期徒刑,天堂與地獄的差別,完全取決 長灘島於法官的主觀認定,導致司法案件竟像政治報復,這是台灣民主最大的危機。而這個危機的主要禍首,就是尊貴的 馬英九 先生。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買屋網  .

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          非關命運:誰說男人失戀不會痛?女人永遠不會懂?(3/3) 20110905 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWLM1kbDY_Q At 03:36/17:461. If you don't feel pain, you have no way to grow stronger, that how Chinese told man must "吃.The.Cool.Zhong.Cool. Fun.Way.Ren.Sun.Ren ". Look the bright side, not every man can find a woman bright enough to blind his eyes and ears, even after he knew that she does not care or love him.2. Keep in mind, woman must ha 部落格ve to be soft enough like "Sway.Sin.Young.What"; man must have to be firm like unshakeable stone "0.缺.5.濫 ", if he cannot find a woman better than his ex-girl friend, he must rather be single than compromise his eyes.3. Man must NOT seek money power rich and famous before he find his only true love woman. Because without True Love, no man can be good enough to deal with money power sex corrupt, not mentio 花蓮民宿n woman (Just see how money power sex corrupted Condi Rice, Pelosi, Hillary Clinton in front of world wide eyes.). That how China Dynasty must demand classic Chinese man and woman subject to the highest "Nun.女.Shore.Shore.Boot.Chin" moral standard to avoid sex corruption; and not to allow anyone of them to commit the crime of sell and/or buy so that not to risk money cor 居酒屋ruption; and respect every Chinese man have right to kill anyone who's more powerful more forceful than him yet could not do better than him in order to deal with the power corruption. Absolute righteous rule? When you are rich and famous, powerful and forceful, you have no way to rely on absolute righteous rule to spare you out of money power sex corrupt. A rich famous powerful force 面膜ful man must surrounded by evil female dressed animals; a rich famous powerful forceful woman must surrouned by evil doers. That how woman must not be allowed to work in public office; man must have perfect marriage in order to qualify to service the public. 4. Do not have sex with her, before he marries to her; because if he does, he has to choose between to marry her and to kill her; there's a third wa 代償 y, but that third way is difficult like mission impossible, that is every his sex partner all become virgin again woman (Woman can recover her virgin back again if she can live pure virgin life and doing her best to stay inside her own place to please God order for continue 7 years. ), so that he can be freed out of the sex crime he ever committed to anyone of them. -------------------------------------------------------------------- seo-------------------------------- 女人失戀 is a most shameful (That how if evil doer JungShiauLin divorces me before I die, all crimes he committed on me, must become "Chu.Sheng.Boot.Rule.The. ChuChaoRen" nightmares. It's a heaviest crime that a man can committed to tool the sex to shame on a woman who knows shame.) a woman can get (That may explain how come man must not have sex with any woman before he marries to her; and if he does have sex with that 婚禮佈置 woman before he marrying to her, he should either marry her right away or he should do the duty to kill her immediately.) , therefore, she must do her best not to let anyone else to know but hide deeply inside herself. Woman needs to keep in mind all the time "Bi.君.Zhi.John.Boot.Curse.Yan.勇", not mention woman has no way to quality to be that "Bi.John".Woman who dies freely leaving no hate no love no care no fear behind can become a sand to be spared out of birth cycle 面膜 turns; woman who dies with hate (In order to bring that really hateful into the Ghost site, she must not ever commit any bit of revenge crime while she's still live in current life, and she needs to wish that hated by her died before she can make revenge immediately in the Ghost site, so that she can keep that hate as long as possible, because after she finish revenge in the ghost site, she has to leave Ghost site and back to the supposed spot as she deserved.) can be allowed to stay in th 澎湖民宿e Ghost side until her hate fade away; woman who dies with love deeply hide inside her heart, does not die, she must come again to face the test of love; if she dies as a pure virgin with love deeply inside her heart, she does not come again but stay between the human site and ghost site inside any female picture she likes to stay like that ghost role "Shower.Chain" in the film "Chain.女.Yo.When" showed (This may explain how come you may hear there's so called "Mean.When" custom or man married to ghost story ) 買屋 .  .

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